
Here's my 10%...have a great vacation.

I found a church I really like in Tulsa, and during the offering collection, the pastor was talking about how it doesn't matter what you give, but that God pays attention to the little details, i.e. if you give only a little, God will recognize that. But then, he relates this to a story about Disneyworld that he and his family had visited this summer FOR AN ENTIRE FUCKING WEEK. Now, don't get me wrong, that's wonderful and everyone should go to at least one of the Disneys in their lifetime, but during the offering is the Wrong Time to bring it up. We're all pulling out our money, and at least two of us are thinking..."should I give a dollar less so he can't go to Disneyworld next year...?" A week there is like, what, $1200 for 4 people? If I give more, will you regale me with tales of your Bahama trip next summer?


At 6:35 AM, Blogger Another Apartment in Blogville. said...

hilarious! give a dollar less so he can't go to disney world!!! tooo funny!!!
haha! great blog - so hilarious!

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it was an amusing story, but hahahaha funny I think not. Organized religion is less about faith and more about profit. Think about where your money goes once you hand it off....feed hungry children.....help victims of abuse.....dont be stupid, it goes to the man in cloth so he can take his grubby fat kids to disneyland....
shit, if your looking for salvation, send 5 bucks my way and salvation you shall have.....

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Secret Agent Mama said...

Yeah, I'm so not into organized religion b/c of the fact that you mentioned. If I'm not going to DL, dammit, no one is! ;)


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