pro-life idiots
I hate these people. Their only concern seems to be with "the unborn child", the "precious life" growing inside someone. What about the "precious life" of the unmarried, 15 year old high school girl?? Well, they don't give a rat's ass about her, that's what. All they seem to see is that they're "saving" another baby. Saving them from what? A life of possible abuse, neglect, teenage parenting? Saving them from a life with an uneducated, over stressed, and maybe even resentful mom? These people don't seem to really be concerned about what comes AFTER they've convinced the mother to keep the baby. They seem to put a lot of effort/time/money into making sure their mission is accomplished, and then they drop the ball afterwards. Assholes.
Great point--I'm sure the amount of abortions would decrease dramatically with more education and prevention efforts.
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